The Our Homes, Our Voices Housing Day of Action has expanded into a National Housing Week of Action, a full week of activities July 22-29 across the country calling for increased federal investments in affordable housing and community development. To date, local housing advocates have planned 25 events in communities across the country. Visit the website to learn about the Week of Action and the “Our Homes, Our Voices” campaign, and stay tuned for further updates.
The Week of Action events include rallies, storytelling, letter-writing campaigns, bus tours, press events, and more—all urging members of Congress to fully fund investments in affordable housing and community development. Visit the Week of Action events page to view the complete list. Several additional events are in planning stages and will be added soon. If you don’t see your event listed on the website, please contact [email protected] to share information about your event.
Event Organizers’ Webinar on Monday, July 10, 2pm ET
Join NLIHC for a webinar discussion about the Our Homes, Our Voices Housing Week of Action on Monday, July 10 from 2-3 pm ET. Housing advocates across the country will share challenges, success stories, and next steps before July 22 to ensure the campaign achieves its highest impact.
Learn more about the webinar and register to attend.
Resources for Your Event
NLIHC has developed a suite of resources that you can use to plan, host, and promote your event. Resources include postcards for letter-writing campaigns, social media infographics, draft invitations to elected officials, and sample op-eds.
Advocates and event organizers can also order t-shirts for the National Housing Week of Action to promote the campaign or wear to an event. Order t-shirts this week in order to make sure they are delivered in time for your group’s event.
We encourage all who care about affordable housing and community development to get involved in the “Our Homes, Our Voices” National Housing Week of Action, July 22-29 and let us know what you are planning by emailing [email protected].