As America’s publicly supported housing stock continues to age, many affordable rental homes face growing capital needs and expiring rent restrictions. NLIHC and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) will co-host the first of two housing preservation webinars on October 22 at 2:00 p.m. ET. Register today for Understanding Preservation Needs, Risks, and Tenant Protections. Attendees will hear from four knowledgeable panelists on housing preservation risks, preservation needs in Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties and in rural communities, the importance of tenant protections, and federal strategies for preservation.
The presenters are:
- Vincent Reina, assistant professor, University of Pennsylvania
- Bridgett Simmons, staff attorney, National Housing Law Project
- Dan Emmanuel, senior research analyst, NLIHC
- Lance George, director of research and information, Housing Assistance Council
The second webinar, scheduled for November, will cover state and local strategies for preservation.