NLIHC Announces Generation Housing Justice – Application Now Open!

NLIHC announced on September 24 a new initiative that aims to encourage young advocates to participate in the housing justice movement! Running from January 2025 through May 2025, the initiative, Generation Housing Justice, will include 20 fellows, ages 18 to 24, who will gain the knowledge and resources needed to successfully advocate for federal affordable housing solutions and effectively organize in their own communities.   Learn More and Apply!   Generation Housing Justice fellows will:

  • Participate in virtual monthly meetings
  • Complete educational workshops
  • Attend NLIHC’s annual Housing Policy Forum and Capitol Hill Day in Washington, D.C.
  • Complete a final project that contributes to NLIHC’s mission.

Each fellow will receive travel support to attend NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum and a stipend of $1,000 upon successful completion of the program.   NLIHC welcomes all applicants, ages 18-24, and encourages people with lived experience of housing instability or homelessness to apply.   Apply Today!   Questions? Contact [email protected]