Memo to Members

NLIHC Joins Letter Urging Congress to Confirm David Uejio and Solomon Greene as HUD Assistant Secretaries

Mar 06, 2023

NLIHC joined the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) and other national, state, and local organizations in sending a letter to U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Chairman Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Ranking Member Tim Scott (R-SC) urging the committee to move the nominations of David Uejio and Solomon Greene to a full floor vote immediately. President Biden nominated David Uejio to be HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and Solomon Greene to be HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research.

The letter cites NFHA’s 2022 Fair Housing Trends Report, connecting the report’s conclusions with the need for urgent action by HUD’s policy, research, and fair housing arms. “HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) and Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research (PD&R) are responsible for fully utilizing the tools our nation’s civil rights statutes provide us to ensure fairness in the housing market,” the letter states. “We believe that David Uejio and Solomon Greene understand how best to achieve equitable, accessible, and quality affordable housing in every neighborhood, and they are excellent leaders selected to manage this important work.”

Read the full letter at: