NLIHC Releases Advocates’ Guide 2023

NLIHC released on March 2 Advocates’ Guide 2023: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs & Policies. Published annually, the Advocates’ Guide is a comprehensive resource for advocates and others involved in affordable housing and community development advocacy. The Advocates’ Guide comprises hundreds of pages of useful resources and practical know-how, written by leading experts in the affordable housing and community development field with a common purpose: to educate advocates and affordable housing providers of all kinds about the programs and policies that make housing affordable to low-income people across America.

For many years, the Advocates’ Guide has been the leading authoritative reference for advocates and affordable housing providers seeking a quick and convenient way to understand affordable housing programs and policies. The Guide includes sections on advocacy resources, rental housing programs for the lowest-income people, the national Housing Trust Fund, community development resources, housing tools, special housing issues, and other topics. This year’s Advocates’ Guide features new sections on COVID-19-era housing programs and on tenant protections and eviction prevention efforts, including chapters on just cause eviction, right to counsel for tenants, and eviction diversion. The 2023 Guide also includes new chapters on the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) program and on community land trusts. The new edition also features the very latest information on the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule and updates on a wide range of HUD regulations and housing-related legislation. Advocates’ Guide 2023 is an essential resource for anyone involved in or concerned about affordable housing and community development. The Guide is designed answer any and all questions about federal housing policy, whether about how a HUD or USDA housing program operates, what resources and protections are included in recent COVID-19-relief packages, how the national Housing Trust Fund or Low-Income Housing Tax Credit work, or what kinds of activities CDBG and HOME can fund. An outstanding primer for people new to affordable housing and community development, the Guide also provides seasoned advocates with updates regarding changes in programs, the most recent funding information, and new legislative threats and opportunities.   Advocates’ Guide 2023: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs & Policies is available here.