OIRA Memo Lists Indicators Agencies Must Include in Performance Plans
May 08, 2017
Federal agencies like HUD must include five performance indicators in their Annual Performance Plans according to Memorandum M-17-23 from the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The memorandum provides guidance pertaining to Section 4 of Executive Order (EO) 13777, which requires OMB to issue guidance about performance indicators agencies must incorporate in their FY19 Annual Performance Plans (APPs), already required by statute (31 U.S.C. section 1115(b)).
EO 13777 requires agencies to establish a Regulatory Reform Task Force and designate a Regulatory Reform Officer (RRO) to oversee the Task Force. The RRO and Task Force must carry out EO 13771, which requires federal agencies to repeal at least two existing regulations if a new regulation is proposed and to ensure that the total cost of a new regulation combined with the cost savings from repealing two or more regulations is no greater than zero (see Memo, 2/6 and 2/13).
M-17-23 requires APPs to include:
- The number of evaluations to identify potential deregulatory actions that included an opportunity for public input and/or peer review;
- The number of deregulatory actions recommended by the Regulatory Reform Task Force to the agency head;
- The number of deregulatory actions issued that address recommendations from the Task Force;
- The number of regulatory actions and deregulatory actions issued; and
- The total incremental cost of all regulatory actions and deregulatory actions (including costs or cost savings carried over from previous fiscal years).
Agencies should also report on their performance in terminating any programs or activities that derive from or implement EOs, guidance documents, policy memoranda, rule interpretations, and similar documents, or relevant portions thereof, that have been rescinded or that were terminated during the fiscal year.
M-17-23 from April 28 is at: http://bit.ly/2p2kCsX