Memo to Members

OSAH Campaign Releases Updated Fact Sheets on Connections between Health, Environment, and Housing

May 06, 2024

The Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) campaign has released two updated fact sheets describing the connections between health, the environment, and affordable housing. Research shows that stable, affordable housing leads to better health care access and improved health outcomes for people in every stage of life. Stable housing and health care access also lower health care costs by reducing the need for more expensive emergency health interventions. Meanwhile, environmental research shows that a lack of affordable housing and low-density housing development contribute to climate change. Environmentally thoughtful building upgrades for existing affordable housing and construction of new affordable housing can both reduce climate emissions and improve residents’ health. The updated fact sheets were developed with the help of campaign partners in the health and environment sectors, including Children’s HealthWatch and Natural Resources Defense Council.

In total, the campaign has posted 16 multi-sector fact sheets to its website.  Each fact sheet compiles landmark research to help policymakers, opinion leaders, and the public understand the deep connections between housing and other national priorities, from healthcare to education to economic growth. Housing advocates are encouraged to download the fact sheets to support efforts to reach out to allies in other fields and make the case for cross-sector collaboration. To broaden the movement for housing justice, we must ensure allies in other sectors fully appreciate the extent to which housing influences their own priorities and goals.

Find a full list of fact sheets here.