
Our Homes, Our Voices national housing week of action event highlights

Oct 23, 2018

  1. Richmond, Virginia

Advocates in Virginia, including NLIHC state partner the Virginia Housing Alliance, invited elected officials to tour the construction site of the New Clay House, a permanent supportive housing site owned and operated by Virginia Supportive Housing located in downtown Richmond. The program is currently undergoing renovations and will be able to accommodate twice as many individuals as before (for a total of 80 residents). The New Clay House was able to utilize over a dozen federal and state funding sources to make this project happen, from the Historic Tax Credit to the National Housing Trust Fund.

  1. Nashville, Tennessee

Following the State of the Metro address delivered by Mayor David Briley, residents of Nashville gathered to express the priorities of their community. Bus riders, bus drivers, tenants, and concerned community members spoke about gentrification and the displacement of families in the city. The People’s State of the Metro address highlighted ways local leadership could work alongside working-class residents to ensure development Without displacement.

  1. San Juan, Puerto Rico and other advocates in Puerto Rico held a symposium titled Invisible Before the Law: Rights and Inequality in Puerto Rico. The symposium featured a guest lecturer, Luis Estrella Martínez, associate judge of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. Other sessions included a discussion panel with several elected officials, a presentation on legal difficulties low income people have faced since Hurricane Maria, a workshop on poverty and access to justice, and other topics.

  1. Plainfield, New Jersey

Our Homes, Our Voices Week of Action occurred at the same time as Habitat for Humanity’s National Women’s Build Week. To celebrate both events, Greater Plainfield and Middlesex County Habitat for Humanity gathered a group of 25 female volunteers to build an affordable home in Plainfield, New Jersey.

  1. Baltimore, Maryland

In Baltimore, Housing Our Neighbors hosted a Housing is a Human Right spaghetti dinner for individuals experiencing homelessness. The event was held at a local church and had a large turnout. Participants engaged in discussions about affordable housing and displacement throughout the event.

  1. Portland, Maine

Many participants during the week of action met with their representatives to advocate for increased attention and resources devoted to housing issues. Members of the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition, an NLIHC state partner, met with Senator Angus King at a public library to discuss the lack of affordable housing in Maine, and how Congress might help address it.

  1. Hammond, Indiana

Prosperity Indiana, an NLIHC state partner, gathered residents and advocates to share challenges and desired outcomes related to housing issues facing their community. Over the course of a day they devised a plan of action to achieve effective and comprehensive solutions.

  1. Miami, Florida

Did you know that LGBTQ youth are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than their non-LGBTQ peers? Smash the Slumlords and the Liberty City Committee on Slum and Gentrification gathered to sing karaoke while raising funds for LGBTQ homeless youth in Miami. The advocates also discussed a community land trust that is being developed, along with housing and shelter options.

  1. New Orleans, Louisiana

Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance hosted “The Rent is Too Damn High!” during the Our Homes, Our Voices National Housing Week of Action. This was an exhibition, performance, and catalogue publication that allowed black artists of the city to explore themes of home, belonging, gentrification, and displacement. At the exhibition, residents viewed the artists’ work and commentary on housing justice.

  1. Sacramento, California

For the first time ever, the California Residents Network (RUN) provided witness at a state legislative hearing to help pass a bill that supports renters. RUN leader Andrea Noble shared with the Assembly Judiciary Committee at the Capitol why it is important to enact a protection that will allow renters to make their rental payments via a third party.

  1. Boston, Massachusetts

Metro Housing Boston and Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA), an NLIHC state partner, hosted a panel discussion titled Foundations for the Future: State and Federal Affordable Housing Programs. Congresswoman Katherine Clark joined three other panelists, including National Low Income Housing Coalition President and CEO Diane Yentel, to kick off the Week of Action by speaking about the future of affordable housing in America.

  1. Davenport, Iowa

The Shelter and Transitional Housing Council of Davenport held a lunch event where they discussed the unique housing challenges of the “Quad Cities,” with a focus on the need for more federal solutions. This discussion was the first of a series where the group will continue to brainstorm potential solutions.

  1. Eaton, Ohio

Home is the Foundation, in partnership with several other organizations, held a panel discussion on affordable housing in Preble County, Ohio. Attendees included government officials, local advocates, and residents. The discussion was followed by a tour of a local affordable housing development.

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Our Homes, Our Voices, Nationwide Week of Events!