Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 Provides Presidential Debate Watch Guide

The next Democratic presidential debate will take place on October 15 in Westerville, Ohio. The NLIHC-led Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 nonpartisan voter and candidate engagement project provides fact sheets of each candidates’ housing plans as well as a Democratic Debate Watch Guide for advocates to use while viewing the debates.

There is also still one more day for organizations to sign the Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 letter to the debate moderators urging them to ask the candidates how they would address the nation’s affordable housing crisis. The deadline is tomorrow, October 8.  More than 800 organizations have already signed onto the letter; advocates can check to see if your organization is included in the full list at www.ourhomes-ourvotes.org/sign-on-letter.

In addition to signing the letter, individuals are encouraged to tell The New York Times that you want to hear about this issue on the debate stage. One of the debate moderators, Marc Lacey, is open to question suggestions through an online portal. Let him know that candidates should answer the question: What’s your plan to end the nation’s housing crisis?

The issue of affordable housing is rising on the national agenda as candidates increasingly understand the issue is of the utmost importance to voters. A recent national poll shows that 85% of the public believes that a safe, decent, affordable place to live should be a top national priority, but candidates need to hear directly from their constituents on the campaign trail. With the recent surge in presidential candidates talking about their plans to address the nation’s housing affordability crisis, it is on all of us to keep up the momentum and to make sure candidates at all levels tell voters what they will do to end homelessness and housing poverty in America.

Advocates and voters are encouraged to host events such as forums, roundtables, and debate watch parties to continue raising affordable housing on the national agenda.

Visit the Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 website and check out the other available resources for engaging candidates and residents and raising housing affordability as a top issue in the elections.

Reminder: Pre-debate tweetstorm Thursday, October 10, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET. Check out a related article in this Memo to Members and Partners for sample tweets and images.