Memo to Members

Participate in National Voter Registration Day on September 22

Aug 24, 2020

National Voter Registration Day takes place on September 22. In 2019, the National Voter Registration Day effort registered almost half a million voters and had more than 2.5 million social media impressions. This year, organizers hope to make this nonpartisan voter registration effort their biggest yet, despite the unique challenges presented by coronavirus. Social distancing may prevent many voters from getting registered in their communities, at DMVs, and other traditional voter registration locations.

National Voter Registration Day relies on partnerships with state and local organizations to make it a success. Organizations interested in becoming a partner for 2020 National Voter Registration Day must complete an agreement to be nonpartisan and to provide equal access and protections for nonprofits. After completing the registration form, organizations will get a free organizing kit including posters and stickers in English or in a variety of other languages. The registration form is available here.

NLIHC is a proud partner of National Voter Registration Day and provides tools and resources on voter registration and renter engagement through the Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 project.