Memo to Members

PIH Assistant Secretary Hunter Kurtz Resigns

Jan 11, 2021

Hunter Kurtz, HUD’s assistant secretary for Public and Indian Housing (PIH), sent an email to public housing agency (PHA) executive directors on January 7 announcing his resignation at the close of business that day.

Prior to being confirmed as assistant secretary by the Senate in June 2019, former Secretary Kurtz served as the principal deputy secretary for PIH (see Memo, 6/24/19). From June 2015 to January 2017, he served as deputy director of Detroit's Department of Housing and Revitalization. From March 2006 to November 2007, he served as special assistant to Pamela Patenaude, HUD’s assistant secretary for Community Planning and Development. He then served as special assistant to the deputy chief of staff at HUD from November 2007 to July 2008 and policy advisor in HUD’s Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations from July 2008 to January 2009. During this period, he worked with Brian Montgomery, who was then assistant secretary for the Office of Housing and commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration, and who is currently HUD deputy secretary.

The email announcing Secretary Kurtz’s resignation is at: