Pittsburgh to Host Next NeighborWorks Training Institute, December 3-7

The next NeighborWorks Training Institute (NTI) will take place in Pittsburgh, December 3-7. In addition to professional courses lasting from one-to-five days each, the NTI will offer a one-day symposium, "Looking Back to Move Forward: 40 Years of Community-Led Transformation (ML931)" on December 5.

The NTI offers more than 100 course offerings in affordable housing development and financing; housing asset management; community engagement; community revitalization; community economic development; housing construction and rehabilitation; financial capability and homeownership education, coaching, and counseling; nonprofit management and leadership; and single-family and small business lending.  

Read more about the NTI at: https://bit.ly/2oMGTfB

Register for the NTI at: https://bit.ly/1ATs8Ia