Memo to Members

President Biden Proposes 15% Increase to HUD Budget for FY22

Apr 12, 2021

President Joe Biden released on April 9 a “budget blueprint” previewing his full fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget request, the details of which are expected to be released in the coming weeks. The President’s blueprint proposes a $9 billion increase – or 15% – to HUD’s budget over FY21.

If enacted, the budget would provide substantial federal investments in affordable homes and increase the availability of housing assistance to families with the greatest need. The proposal calls for expanding rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program to 200,000 additional households, focusing on those who are experiencing homelessness or fleeing domestic violence. The blueprint also proposes an increase in funding for Homeless Assistance Grants to $3.5 billion, a $500 million increase from FY21. The White House estimates this increase would provide assistance to an additional 100,000 people experiencing homelessness.

The budget proposes expanding tribal housing resources to $900 million, increased funding to the HOME Investment Partnerships program to $1.9 billion and investing $180 million to support the construction of 2,000 new homes for seniors and people with disabilities. Funding for fair housing activities would also be increased to $85 million, and HUD programs would receive $800 million to rehabilitate public and affordable housing with energy-efficient upgrades. Additionally, the proposal allocates $3.2 billion for public housing capital repairs and increases funding for the Community Development Block Grant program to $3.8 billion, with funds targeted to historically underfunded and marginalized communities facing persistent poverty.

Once the president’s full budget request is released, Congress will draft and vote on spending bills, a process expected to start as soon as late April or early May with the goal of enacting a final FY22 spending bill into law by October 1, when the new fiscal year starts.

Read NLIHC’s analysis of the president’s budget blueprint at:

View NLIHC’s updated budget chart at: