The Connection

Recap of 10/4 National Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition Webinar

Oct 06, 2022

The first National Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC) webinar took place on Tuesday, October 4. The next call will be held on Tuesday, October 11, at 2 pm ET.

The call included the latest updates on how federal, state, and local governments are responding to housing needs related to Hurricanes Fiona and Ian and featured leaders in impacted communities discussing the effects of the storms on people experiencing homelessness and other low-income households. The webinar also provided information about efforts to advocate for a complete and equitable recovery and surveyed available federal resources.

The call featured:

  • Caitlin Durkovich, Special Assistant to President Biden, and Senior Director of Resilience and Response with the National Security Council
  • Jenn Jones, Chief of Staff to HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge 
  • Ariadna Godreau Aubert, Founder and Executive Director, Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico 
  • Maritere Padilla-Rodríguez, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Puerto Rico Operations, Hispanic Federation
  • Kathy Grunwald, Disaster Coordinator Attorney, Legal Services of North Florida
  • Gladys Cook, Resilience and Recovery Director, Florida Housing Coalition
  • Adrienne Bush, Executive Director, Housing and Homelessness Coalition of Kentucky

The DHRC includes more than 850 national, state, and local organizations, including many working directly with disaster-impacted communities and with first-hand experience aiding recovery after disasters. The organization works to ensure that federal disaster recovery efforts reach all impacted households, including the lowest-income seniors, people with disabilities, families with children, veterans, people experiencing homelessness, and other at-risk populations that are often the hardest-hit by disasters and have the fewest resources to recover afterwards.

We have uploaded a recording of the call, as well as presentation slides

Register for the Webinar Series

Participate in the DHRC by joining two working groups:

            •  Disaster Recovery Working Group – Every Wednesday at 2 pm ET – This working group focuses on disaster recovery efforts around the nation, shares best practices and lessons learned, and stays updated on the latest federal changes to the disaster recovery response framework. Register at:

            •  Puerto Rico Working Group – Every Thursday at 3 pm ET – This working group is facilitated by the DHRC but is led by advocates and organizations working in Puerto Rico. To register, please email NLIHC Housing Policy Analyst Noah Patton

And be sure to visit our new resource page for updates on recovery work following Hurricanes Ian and Fiona.

Become a DHRC member today!