Recap of 5/21 Advancing Homelessness Solutions Webinar

NLIHC, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (The Alliance), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) hosted a webinar, “Using the FY25 Appropriations Process to Fund Solutions to Homelessness,” on May 21. Panelists addressed the federal appropriations process and how advocates can engage their members of Congress on the need for robust funding for affordable housing and homelessness programs in the upcoming fiscal year (FY) 2025 appropriations bills. A recording of the call, as well as the presentation slides, are now available.

Kim Johnson, NLIHC’s policy manager, provided an overview of the federal appropriations process. She explained the federal appropriations timeline and emphasized the importance of advocates communicating with members of Congress about why affordable housing and homelessness resources are critical to their community.

Sonya Acosta, senior policy analyst at CBPP, moderated the webinar and discussed what is at stake in FY25. She spoke about the tight spending caps in place for 2025, the president’s budget request, and the need for increased funding for affordable housing and homelessness programs in FY25.

Steve Berg, chief policy officer at the Alliance, discussed how advocates can engage in the appropriations process and make an impact. He encouraged advocates to weigh in with their senators and representatives about the need for robust funding for HUD’s affordable housing and homelessness programs, and he provided tips for engaging with members of Congress and their staff.

We have uploaded a recording of the call, as well as the presentation slides.

Resources Discussed on the Webinar:

Upcoming Webinar:

Register for the next Advancing Homelessness Solutions webinar taking place on Tuesday, June 25, from 2 to 3 pm ET.

Last year, more than 13,400 people participated in our monthly Homelessness and Housing First webinar series. Given the tremendous interest among stakeholders and the worsening homelessness and affordable housing crises, we decided to continue and expand the series to focus on the solutions to homelessness. On the webinars, we will share more about proven strategies to successfully end homelessness, best practices for state and local advocacy, and actions advocates can take to advance solutions.

Homelessness demands urgent action from all levels of government. We know what works to end homelessness: providing individuals with stable, accessible affordable housing and voluntary supportive services. We hope you will join us in building the political will and congressional support necessary to do so!