Memo to Members

Recording Available of NLIHC’s March 1 National Call on Coronavirus, Disasters, Housing, and Homelessness

Mar 08, 2021

During the most recent national call on coronavirus, disasters, housing, and homelessness, we shared an overview of a new research note on practices to advance racial equity in emergency rental assistance (ERA) programs, discussed the Department of Treasury’s updated guidance for ERA programs, highlighted strategies for prioritizing people experiencing homelessness in COVID-19 vaccine distribution, provided updates on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) eviction moratorium, received field updates, and heard an update on the “American Rescue Plan Act.”

Ingrid Gould Ellen and Brittany Mazzurco Muscato from the Furman Center at New York University (NYU) shared a recent report co-authored with NLIHC and the Housing Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania entitled Advancing Racial Equity in Emergency Rental Assistance Programs. The report highlights five lessons states and localities should follow to design and implement ERA programs that center racial equity, including ensuring program funding is allocated based on need; targeting and prioritizing assistance to vulnerable groups; investing in outreach and targeting; simplifying applications and needed documentation; and monitoring implementation and making mid-course corrections.

Noel Poyo of the Office of Domestic Finance at the Treasury discussed the department’s new guidance for ERA programs. Barbara DiPietro shared the National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s (NHCHC) recommendations regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution to people experiencing homelessness, including making all adults experiencing homelessness an eligible population for Phase 1B or 1C distribution and immediately prioritizing homeless populations for currently available vaccines. Eric Dunn from the National Housing Law Project discussed a  ruling in Texas against the CDC’s eviction moratorium. Despite the judge in the case declaring the moratorium unconstitutional he did not impose a preliminary injunction on the moratorium, so it is still in effect. The Department of Justice has already filed an appeal against the judgment.

We received field updates from the Joint Office for Homeless Services in Multnomah County, Oregon and the Idaho Asset Building Network and Idaho Voices for Children. NLIHC’s Sarah Saadian provided updates on the American Rescue Plan Act.

NLIHC hosts national calls on Coronavirus, Disasters, Housing, and Homelessness every week. On today’s call, we’ll hear from the Federal Reserve Board of Philadelphia on the increase in housing insecurity as a result of the pandemic, get updates from the field, and more. Register for today’s call (Monday, March 8 at 2:30 pm ET) at:

Watch a recording of the March 1 call at:

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