Recording of February 14 National HoUSed Campaign Call Now Available

In our most recent (February 14) national call for the “HoUSed: Universal, Stable, and Affordable Housing” campaign, we were joined by U.S. House Committee on Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters (D-CA). Chair Waters and NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel discussed the status of the historic housing provisions in the “Build Back Better Act,” as well as the advocacy needed to ensure that vital affordable housing investments are retained in any final reconciliation package.

“We need focused, loud advocacy now more than ever,” said Diane. “Every day until [the bill] passes is about reminding members of Congress how essential these investments are.”

“Without you, we would not be able to get the $150 billion…We have had to fight hard, but you were right there,” said Chair Waters. “Keep your voices up.”

Sarah Hassmer of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) then shared NWLC’s analysis of the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey. Researchers found that women of color are still bearing the economic brunt of the pandemic and were more likely to report being behind on rent or mortgage payments, struggling with food insecurity, and losing employment income.

Next, Helen Renfrew from the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness provided updates on her organization’s emergency rental assistance (ERA) program. Rebecca Hollenbach and Deborah Payne of the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, as well as Tiffany Marthaler of the Kentucky Affordable Housing Coalition, discussed the health impacts of Louisville’s affordable housing tax credit.

Kim Johnson, senior policy analyst at NLIHC, provided updates on the appropriations process and the “Build Back Better Act,” and Jen Butler, senior director of media relations at NLIHC, concluded the call by presenting the results of NLIHC’s “Valentine’s Day of Action,” during which more than 20 members of Congress tweeted their support for the robust affordable housing investments in the Build Back Better Act.

NLIHC hosts national calls every week. Our next call will be today, February 22, at 2:30 pm ET. Register for the call at:

Watch a recording of the February 14 call at:

View presentation slides from the February 14 call at: