Memo to Members

Register for 4/9 Webinar on Grants Pass v. Johnson Supreme Court Case

Apr 01, 2024

NLIHC, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (The Alliance), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) invite advocates nationwide to register for a webinar series on advancing solutions to the homelessness crisis. Join us for the first webinar, “The Supreme Court and the Criminalization of Homelessness,” on Tuesday, April 9, from 2 to 3 pm ET to hear from leading experts from the National Homelessness Law Center (NHLC), the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), and the Housing Narrative Lab about the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson, the most significant court case about the rights of people experiencing homelessness in decades.

Panelists on the webinar will include:

  • Jesse Rabinowitz (NHLC)
  • Donald Whitehead (NCH)
  • Marisol Bello (Housing Narrative Lab)
  • Steve Berg (The Alliance)
  • Brooke Schipporeit (NLIHC)

NLIHC, NHLC, NCH, and the Alliance also invite advocates across the nation to participate in a National Week of Action starting on April 22 to oppose the criminalization of homelessness and advocate for real solutions to the affordable housing and homelessness crisis. Advocates can:

  • Join national leaders, people with lived experience, and allies on the steps of the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. on April 22 for a national event! RSVP here.
  • Use this advocacy toolkit – with key resources, including background information on the court case, advocacy tips, sample social media messages, and more – to plan an event during the week of April 22 in your local community!
  • Participate in local rallies hosted by homelessness advocates. Local actions will be announced on

Last year, more than 13,400 people participated in our monthly Homelessness and Housing First webinar series. Given the tremendous interest among stakeholders and the worsening homelessness and affordable housing crises, we decided to continue and expand the series to focus on the solutions to homelessness. On the webinars, we will share more about proven strategies to successfully end homelessness, best practices for state and local advocacy, and actions advocates can take to advance solutions.

Homelessness demands urgent action from all levels of government. We know what works to end homelessness: providing individuals with stable, accessible affordable housing and voluntary supportive services. We hope you will join us in building the political will and congressional support necessary to do so!

Please note that this webinar is not a training, and webinar attendees will not receive a certificate of completion.

Register for the webinar at: