Register for “Advocacy 101” and “Policy Priorities” Webinars ahead of Virtual Capitol Hill Day on March 24!

NLIHC invites advocates from across the country to register for two webinars in preparation for Virtual Capitol Hill Day on March 24. Virtual Capitol Dill Day enables advocates to meet with members of Congress and their staff to urge them to fund affordable housing programs at the highest levels possible, advance anti-racist policies, and support legislation that will improve the lives of the lowest-income people. The two webinars are designed to help advocates prepare for Capitol Hill Day by covering the nuts-and-bolts of advocacy and overviewing NLIHC’s policy priorities. Capitol Hill Day is part of our annual Virtual Housing Policy Forum 2022. Register for the Forum here. Register for the webinars here and here.

The first webinar, “Advocacy 101: Meetings with Elected Officials and the Legislative Process,” will take place on March 9 at 1:00 pm ET. In the webinar, NLIHC’s field team will discuss the basics of the legislative and budget processes, offer tips for effective advocacy meetings, and hold a practice Capitol Hill meeting. Register here.

The second webinar, “NLIHC’s Policy Priorities for 2022,” will take place on March 16 at 12:00 pm ET. NLIHC’s policy team will discuss our policy priorities for Capitol Hill Day, and the field team will provide an overview addressing how housing providers, tenant associations, and homeless service agencies can connect their work to our policy priorities and providing access to resources to share during Hill meetings. Register here.

NLIHC will also offer other sessions and resources in anticipation of Capitol Hill Day. On March 23, we will host a brief session providing a quick overview of factsheets and resources available to advocates making essential legislative asks. Likewise, NLIHC will provide advocates with a comprehensive virtual Advocacy Day Toolkit to guide Hill meetings. The toolkit contains information on our policy priorities, suggestions about how to manage advocacy meetings, talking points, data sheets on housing needs, and state-specific information.

To set up an appointment for Virtual Capitol Hill Day, please contact Joey Lindstrom at [email protected]. Most likely, meetings for your state and district have already been set up.

Register for “Advocacy 101” here.

Register for “NLIHC’s Policy Priorities for 2022” here.

Register for Capitol Hill Day by registering for NLIHC’s Virtual Housing Policy Forum 2022 here.