Register for Today’s (5/20) Our Homes, Our Votes Webinar: “Voter Registration 101”

The Our Homes, Our Votes: 2024 webinar series provides resources, guidance, and inspiration for organizations and individuals seeking to launch or strengthen their own nonpartisan voter and candidate engagement initiatives. The next webinar in the series, “Voter Registration 101,” will take place today, May 20, at 2:30 pm ET. Register for the webinar here.  

Because renters move more frequently than homeowners, they must update their voter registration more often, which imposes yet another obstacle to casting their ballots. Voters experiencing homelessness also face unique barriers in the voter registration process. The first step to empowering low-income people to vote is providing accessible voter registration opportunities. This webinar will review strategies to incorporate registration into your organization’s day-to-day activities and organize designated voter registration events.

During the webinar, Chyann Sapp, campaign director of National Voter Registration Day, will present on best practices in voter registration and how to plan an activation for National Voter Registration Day 2024. Andrew West, policy associate at Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, will discuss voter registration initiatives and tips for registering voters experiencing homelessness. Courtney Cooperman, project manager of Our Homes, Our Votes, will give a walkthrough of TurboVote, a one-stop shop where voters can update their registration, check their registration status, sign up for election reminders, and learn about upcoming elections in their communities.

The webinar dates and topics are listed below. All webinars will be held from 2:30 to 3:30 pm ET. For full descriptions of each session, visit:  

  • Voter Registration 101 (Monday, May 20) 
  • Forming Partnerships in Your Community (Monday, June 3) 
  • Tenant Organizing and Elections: Getting Out the Renter Vote (Monday, June 17) 
  • Voting While Experiencing Homelessness (Monday, July 1) 
  • Transportation to the Polls (Monday, July 15) 
  • Housing Providers and Voter Engagement (Monday, July 29) 
  • Getting Candidates on the Record about Housing and Homelessness (Monday, August 19) 
  • Celebrating the Civic Holidays (Tuesday, September 3) 
  • Voter Education: The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How (Monday, September 16) 
  • Voter Education: Combating Misinformation and Disinformation (Monday, September 30) 
  • Overcoming Voter Suppression (Monday, October 7) 
  • Countdown to Election Day: Getting Out the Vote! (Monday, October 21) 
  • Knowing Your Rights: Voter Protection on Election Day (Monday, November 4) 

A Look Ahead: Next Steps for Civic Engagement and Housing Justice (Monday, November