Representative Bowman Introduces Legislation to Cap Rent Costs at 20% of Families’ Income

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) introduced the “Fair Adjustments for Income-Based Rental (FAIR) Costs Act” (H.R.8678) in the U.S. House of Representatives on June 11. The legislation would cap rent at 20% of a household’s monthly income for families receiving federal rental assistance. 

For decades, the Brooke Amendment to the U.S. Housing Act has established the standard for federal rental assistance, ensuring that rent does not exceed 30% of household income. If enacted, the FAIR Costs Act would ensure that rent does not exceed 20% of a family’s monthly income for households receiving federal rental assistance under the Section 8 vouchers and housing programs and Section 202 Housing for the Elderly, Section 811 Housing for Persons with Disabilities, and Section 521 USDA Rural Housing programs. The FAIR Costs Act would also provide essential funding for HUD to aid housing agencies in delivering this increased assistance along with technical support to families during the application process.

“Housing costs across the board are too damn high,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman in a news release. “This is hitting our most vulnerable families the hardest, particularly Black and brown families who have already experienced redlining and historical disinvestment. People in my district are paying more than 40% or 50% of their income on their rent or mortgage. In the wealthiest nation on the planet, everyone should have access to safe, clean, and dignified housing. My FAIR Costs Act will take us one step closer to ensuring housing as a human right.”

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