Memo to Members

Representative Maxine Waters Calls on Democratic Colleagues to Protect Affordable Housing and Homelessness Investments in FY2024 Budget

Mar 20, 2023

U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Financial Services Ranking Member Maxine Waters (D-CA) released a statement on March 15 urging her Democratic colleagues to work together to oppose funding cuts to HUD’s vital affordable housing and homelessness programs and to ensure these programs receive the highest possible allocation in fiscal year (FY) 2024.

“The investments [in President Biden’s budget] in fair and affordable housing reflect the need for robust investments to address our nation’s growing homelessness and affordable housing crises,” said Ranking Member Waters in the statement. “I urge the Biden Administration and my Democratic colleagues in the Senate to commit to ensuring that the President’s housing budget is fulfilled and does not experience a single cut in the negotiation process.”

President Biden’s budget request, released on March 9 (see Memo, 3/13), includes a $1.1 billion increase over FY2023 enacted levels, as well as $34 billion in proposed mandatory funding to expand the availability of housing assistance, fund the construction of affordable rental units, and provide additional resources for people experiencing homelessness.

“As we all know, housing costs remain a key driver of rising inflation,” emphasized Ranking Member Waters. “The only way to relieve families of the crushing weight of inflation is to make the increased investments in fair and affordable housing that families across the country so urgently need.”

Read the statement at: