Our Homes, Our Votes is NLIHC’s nonpartisan campaign to increase voter participation among low-income renters and to engage candidates for public office on housing issues and solutions. Low-income communities that face the greatest barriers to stable, accessible, and affordable housing also face the greatest barriers to voting. Because of stark disparities in voter turnout between low-income renters and high-income homeowners, too many policymakers turn their attention away from the affordable housing crisis and disregard the housing needs of their low-income constituents. Our Homes, Our Votes aims to break this cycle by providing the tools that housing advocates need to mobilize low-income voters and engage with candidates.
The Our Homes, Our Votes website now features updated resources that advocates, housing providers, and resident leaders can use to develop their voter and candidate engagement plans for the 2022 midterm elections. The website includes best practices and sample materials for every step of a voter engagement campaign – from registering and educating to mobilizing voters – and resources for successful candidate engagement activities. Other highlights of the website include legal information for 501c3 nonprofits, HUD and USICH guidance about voter engagement activities, downloadable graphics for social media, a comprehensive media toolkit, resources from partner organizations, and ideas about opportunities for taking action on voting rights legislation.
Our Homes, Our Votes will also send out a biweekly newsletter with the latest updates on housing and elections from our partners across the country. To keep up with the latest from Our Homes, Our Votes, follow the campaign on Twitter.