Call to Action

Take Action: Call Your Members of Congress to Oppose the GOP Tax Reform Bill

Dec 05, 2017

Now that the House and Senate have each passed their own versions of the Republican tax bill, congressional leaders must iron out the differences and hold a vote on the final tax bill in both chambers. Over the next several days, it is essential that you continue calling your members of Congress, urging them to defeat the Republican tax plan and start work on a bipartisan bill.

Call your representatives and senators as soon as possible and tell them to vote NO on the disastrous GOP tax reform bill.  

It is especially important that the following Republican congress members are contacted. These and other members of Congress need to hear from you!

  • Senators: Corker (R-TN), Collins (R-ME), Flake (R-AZ), McCain (R-AZ), Murkowski (R-AK), and Johnson (R-WI). 
  • Representatives: McClintock (R-CA), Denham (R-CA), Valadao (R-CA), Knight (R-CA), Royce (R-CA), Walters (R-CA), Rohrabacher (R-CA), Issa (R-CA), Coffman (R-CO), Curbelo (R-FL), Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Blum (R-IA), Poliquin (R-ME), Jones (R-NC), LoBiondo (R-NJ), Smith (R-NJ), Lance (R-NJ), Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), Zeldin (R-NY), King (R-NY), Donovan (R-NY), Faso (R-NY), Stefanik (R-NY), Tenney (R-NY), Reed (R-NY), Katko (R-NY), Turner (R-OH), Joyce (R-OH), Costello (R-PA), Meehan (R-PA), Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Dent (R-PA), Hurd (R-TX), Comstock (R-VA), Herrera Buetler (R-WA), and Reichert (R-WA).


The Republican tax plan is unconscionable, unjust, and grossly irresponsible. The Senate and House tax reform bills provide massive tax cuts for billionaires and corporations at the expense of low and middle income people. Both bills significantly lower the corporate tax rate, and in doing so, they reduce the value of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (Housing Credit) and the equity available from it. The House bill also undermines the Housing Credit by eliminating private activity bonds, which are used to generate roughly half of the financing available under the program. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the estimated $1 trillion price tag would trigger automatic spending reductions to critical programs like the national Housing Trust Fund, Capital Magnet Fund, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, and many others. In addition, by dramatically increasing the debt, the tax bill puts federal discretionary housing investments – as well as other vital programs that help the lowest income families meet their basic needs – at risk of significant funding cuts in future years.

For more information about the Republican tax plans, read NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel’s Point of View.


Please call your representatives and senators as soon as possible and urge them to vote NO on this irresponsible and unacceptable tax bill.