Take Action: Sign onto a Letter Urging the Biden Administration to Extend, Improve, and Enforce the CDC Eviction Moratorium!

Sign your organization onto a letter, already signed by over 2,000 organizations and elected officials, urging the Biden administration to extend, improve, and enforce the current CDC eviction moratorium until the end of the pandemic. The federal eviction moratorium has kept millions of people who otherwise would have been evicted stably housed but it has significant shortcomings that undermine its public health impacts. The moratorium must be extended beyond its current expiration on March 31 through the end of the pandemic, and be improved and enforced.

The Biden administration should: improve the moratorium order by making its protections  automatic and universal; rescind the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  issued last year by the CDC  that created loopholes in the moratorium’s protections; empower the Department of Justice to enforce the moratorium;  and create a renter hotline to  report abuses. The failure to address issues with the current moratorium has allowed some landlords to wrongfully  evict tens of thousands of renters without consequence.

Please sign your organization onto the letter to President Biden, HUD Secretary-designate Fudge and CDC Director Walensky to extend, improve, and enforce the federal eviction moratorium. Elected officials are also encouraged to sign. If you are unsure whether your organization has already signed, review a list of current signatories here.

Please circulate widely! The deadline to sign-on is March 15.

Thank you for your advocacy.