Take Action: Tell Congress to Fund #RentReliefNow in Next COVID-19 Relief Package!
Jul 27, 2020
While Congress debates what will be included in the next COVID-19 relief package, eviction moratoriums are expiring, expanded unemployment insurance will end within days, and rent is due soon. Advocates must keep pressure on lawmakers to ensure key housing provisions are included in the final spending bill. NLIHC and our partners across the country are urging Congress to: implement a national eviction moratorium for the duration of the pandemic; provide at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance, and provide $11.5 billion in Emergency Solutions Grants funding for homeless shelter and service providers. Any final bill must include these essential housing provisions of the HEROES Act that passed in the House of Representatives.
Take action today! Contact your members of Congress by phone or send them an email and demand #RentReliefNow!
Make your voices heard at this critical moment by reaching out to your members of Congress directly and tagging them on social media with the hashtag #RentReliefNow! Find social media images and sample tweets at: https://bit.ly/32SoL9i. Engage the media in your communities through op-eds and letters to the editor; urge news outlets to write stories about the issue and the solutions needed. See NLIHC’s media toolkit for assistance.
The time to act is now. Thank you for your advocacy!