Take Action TODAY: Tell your representative to vote NO on House budget that includes massive cuts to safety net programs!
The House of Representatives will vote this week on a budget resolution that would cut crucial safety net programs to pay for increases in defense spending and tax cuts that would largely benefit wealthy Americans. The budget resolution increases defense spending by nearly $1 trillion, reduces investments in domestic programs by $1.3 trillion – to its lowest level since before the Great Depression – and calls for more than $4.4 trillion in cuts to mandatory programs, like Medicaid and food stamps, that ensure basic living standards for low income families.
The Coalition on Human Needs has organized national call-in days from October 2-4 to mobilize people across the country to oppose the House budget resolution.
Call your representative and urge them to vote NO on the House budget resolution. We should be increasing federal resources where they are needed most, not giving tax breaks to corporations and wealthy Americans.
Find your representative’s contact information here.