NLIHC has updated and streamlined its national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) website. In particular, the “HTF State Allocation Plan” section currently has the 2016 HUD-approved HTF Allocation Plans for all but six states. In addition, the site has draft 2017 HTF Allocation Plans for 39 states. The 2017 HTF Allocation Plans are due to HUD by August 16.
Also new is a one-page sketch of NLIHC’s summary of all 51 draft 2016 HTF Allocation Plans. NLIHC will be updating the full summary based on HUD-approved 2016 HTF Allocation Plans. The thumb-nail sketch highlights the special populations states intend to serve, geographic preferences, key features given preference like access to essential services, and the extent HTF will work in conjunction with other federal and state funding sources. The sketch is at:, and the full summary of draft 2016 HTF Allocation Plans is at:
NLIHC reminds readers that 20 individuals have volunteered to serve on an advisory group of nonprofit developers from around the nation who have experience and expertise in developing and operating rental housing that extremely low income (ELI) households can afford. The members of this group serve as a resource to potential HTF grant recipients, as well as to state housing coalition advocates and state officials involved in HTF planning and implementation.
HTF Developer Advisory Group members have agreed to make themselves available to answer questions posed by nonprofit developers, state housing coalition advocates, and state officials involved in HTF planning and implementation. The members of the group are at: