Memo to Members

Urban Land Institute Releases 2021 Home Attainability Index

Mar 22, 2021

The Urban Land Institute Terwilliger Center for Housing released the 2021 Home Attainability Index. This high-level snapshot documents the extent to which a housing market provides a range of housing choices attainable to the regional workforce, along with an accompanying summary report. The index provides an array of 30 housing-related metrics for 112 metropolitan areas across the country. The measures include the attainability of homeownership for middle-income households, racial and ethnic gaps in homeownership, residential segregation, the quality of regional transit systems, and housing production in the last decade. NLIHC’s estimates of the number of affordable and available rental homes per 100 renter households at or below 30% AMI or the poverty level, as well as at or below 80% AMI, are used in conjunction with several other measures of rental attainability to measure how well the rental market serves the lower and middle segments of the market.

The report and index data can be accessed at: