Voter Mobilization

Mar 23, 2018

The final and most important phase of voter engagement is Getting Out The Vote (GOTV). Mobilizing voters and making sure they get to the polls is the ultimate goal of your efforts. In 2016, 74% of citizens with incomes above $100,000 reported voting, while only 38% of citizens with incomes below $20,000 reported voting. Wealthy people are voting at nearly twice the rate of low income people.

U.S. Citizens who reported voting in November Election by Family Income (2008 to 2016) Source: November 2006-2016 Current Population Survey data.

Leveling the playing field requires GOTV efforts that involve reminders about polling locations and hours, as well as coordinated transportation for aging voters or people with disabilities. Early voting periods and vote-by-mail make GOTV a weeks-long effort in most states. Thirty-seven states now include some type of early voting. Election Day isn’t just one day anymore! Your voter engagement plan should consider early voting opportunities in your community. To accommodate voters with busy work schedules, 22 states and DC include some dates of early voting on the weekend.