Memo to Members

We Did It! Debate Features Affordable Housing!

Nov 25, 2019

For the first time in memory – if not in history – a moderator in a presidential debate asked candidates for their solutions to the nation’s housing affordability crisis. During the November 20 debate in Atlanta, GA, NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker, asked: “Millions of Americans are finding that housing has become unaffordable. . ., why are you the best person to fix this problem?”

Three candidates - Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker - answered the question.

5th Democratic Debate in Atlanta, GA


We could not have reached this historic moment without you! Over the last year, many of you have worked with NLIHC to elevate affordable housing in the presidential campaign. Our partners in Iowa, New Hampshire, California, Georgia, Ohio, and beyond have worked hard – together we have held candidate town halls and meetings, asked (and filmed!) candidates about their housing solutions, published op-eds, and more.

Together we have pressured candidates to put forward their plans to address the housing crisis, and they have responded like never before. Twelve candidates have put forward bold proposals to address homelessness and housing poverty in America, with most centering the needs of the lowest-income people in their plans.

Over 1000 organizations signed our letter urging moderators to ask candidates about their housing plans...

Sign on letter - 1000 organizations

. . . and on November 20 Ms. Welker responded! Our hard work has paid off and we have broken into the national discourse in a new way. Thank you for helping to make it happen! 

Let’s keep going!

We’re a year out from the elections, and we have much more planned to continue elevating affordable housing solutions in the elections and on the national stage.

Join us!