NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel and other NLIHC staff will be speaking at the following events in the coming months:
- NCSHA HFA Institute, Washington, DC, on January 17
- Discussion on Housing, Homelessness, and Collaboration, Anchorage, AK, on January 29
- CHAPA Federal Housing Policy Forum, Boston, MA, on February 15
- Solutions for Individual Homeless Adults: A National Conference, National Alliance to End Homelessness, San Diego, CA, February 21–22
- HousingWorks Austin Annual Summit, Austin, TX, on March 1
- Tennessee Housing Conference, Nashville, TN, March 6 and 7
- Arkansas Fair Housing Commission 2019 Annual Fair Housing/Fair Lending Conference, Little Rock, AR, on April 19
- Building Michigan Communities Conference, Lansing, MI, April 30