Direct Assistance
NLIHC frequently receives calls and emails from individuals seeking housing assistance. Since we do not provide direct services and do not have knowledge of local service providers in specific communities, we are not best equipped to assist people with these requests. Instead, we offer further resources and information that may be of help.
NLIHC is an advocacy organization in DC that works to push Congress to provide needed money and policy changes to help renters and people who are homeless. While we don’t provide any direct services to people in need of housing assistance, we can share some resources and information that may be helpful for you.
- Call 2-1-1. This number takes you to a local call center where you can talk to someone who can tell you about local programs that might be able to help. You can also visit their website at www.211.org.
Some states and localities have their own renter protections that prevent or delay evictions. You can explore to see if your state does here: https://nlihc.org/tenant-protections.
Here's a list of local rental assistance programs created in response to the pandemic. Most programs no longer have funding available, but some of them do. We update this list monthly: https://nlihc.org/rental-assistance.
Housing counselors are available throughout the country to help people make informed housing decisions. You can search for a counselor in your area using this link: https://hudgov-answers.force.com/housingcounseling/ or call 1-800-569-4287.
You may want to get further guidance from a legal aid attorney. You can find a list here: https://www.lsc.gov/what-legal-aid/find-legal-aid and here: https://www.lawhelp.org
Additional housing resources can be found here: https://shelterforce.org/need-help-finding-housing/
Call the district offices of your congressional representative and senators. Their staff often know of available state/local resources, and it’s very important that your members of Congress hear about the housing challenges you are facing. To find your members of Congress, enter your address at the bottom of this page: https://www.nlihc.org/take-action
You can advocate for increased federal funding for affordable housing programs in just a few clicks using NLIHC’s Take Action page: https://nlihc.org/take-action
If you’d like to get more involved in NLIHC’s federal housing advocacy or advocacy at the state level, please contact the housing advocacy organizer for your region: https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/NLIHC_Field-Team-Map.pdf
Some states have housing search tools to help you find available rentals.
Housing Search Tools by State Alabama District of Columbia Florida Illinois Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Virginia
Servicio Directo
NLIHC recibe con frecuencia llamadas y correos electrónicos de personas que buscan asistencia para la vivienda. Dado que no brindamos servicios directos y no tenemos conocimiento de los proveedores de servicios locales en comunidades específicas, no estamos mejor equipados para ayudar a las personas con estas solicitudes. En cambio, ofrecemos información y recursos que pueden ser de ayuda.
NLIHC es una organización de defensa en DC que trabaja para presionar al Congreso para que proporcione el dinero necesario y los cambios de política para ayudar a los inquilinos y las personas sin hogar. Si bien no brindamos servicio directo a las personas que necesitan asistencia para la vivienda, podemos compartir algunos recursos e información que pueden ser útiles para usted.
- Llamar al 2-1-1. Este número lo lleva a un centro de llamadas local donde puede hablar con alguien que pueda informarle sobre programas locales que podrían ayudarlo. También puede visitar su sitio web en www.211.org.
- Aquí hay una lista de programas locales de asistencia para el alquiler creados en respuesta a la pandemia: https://nlihc.org/rental-assistance. Algunos de estos programas ya no tienen financiación disponible, pero muchos de ellos sí.
- Es posible que desee obtener más orientación de un abogado de asistencia legal. Puede encontrar una lista aquí: https://www.lsc.gov/what-legal-aid/find-legal-aid y aquí: https://www.lawhelp.org
- Por último, llame a las oficinas de su representante en el Congreso y senadores. Su personal a menudo conoce los recursos estatales/locales disponibles, y es muy importante que su miembro del Congreso escuche sobre los desafíos de vivienda que enfrenta. Para encontrar a sus miembros del Congreso, ingrese su dirección en: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members