Listing of Housing Research Repository Articles Focusing on Housing Affordability & Cost Burden.

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Housing Affordability & Cost Burden Resources

Study Finds Airbnb Increases Rents

A new study by Kyle Barron, Edward Kung, and Davide Prosperpio, The Sharing Economy and Housing Affordability: Evidence from Airbnb, finds that a 10% increase in Airbnb listings in a neighborhood leads to a 0.39% increase in rents. Airbnb’s impact is stronger in neighborhoods with more absentee…

Spring Shelterforce Examines the Concept of Housing Affordability

The spring 2017 issue of Shelterforce features a series of articles that examine the standard measure of housing affordability that a household should spend no more than 30% of its income on housing costs. Several articles in the publication explore the 30% standard’s strength and weaknesses, and…

Renters Who Move Pay Higher Rents

A report from Zillow, How to Save on Rent: Don’t Move, finds that renters who renew their lease typically pay less rent than those who move. In 2015, renters who moved in the past year paid 47% more in rent than those who had stayed in their current apartment for at least five years. The difference…