Public housing is housing stock that is owned by the government; federal public housing is owned by HUD and administered by local public housing agencies (PHAs). 

Additional public housing has not been built in decades. Advocates are thus focused primarily on preserving the public housing stock that remains. Issues facing today’s public housing include: generally well-run public housing agencies facing significant federal funding shortfalls; policies like demolition, disposition and the HOPE VI program that have resulted in the nationwide loss of public housing units; and calls for deregulation of public housing, through the expansion of the Moving to Work demonstration program and other efforts, that come at the expense of affordability, deep income targeting, resident participation, and programmatic accountability.

For more information on public housing, contact Sarah Saadian, Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Field Organizing, at [email protected] or 202.662.1530 x228.

Additional Resources

Memo to Members and Partners Articles

HUD PIH Notice Describes Expedited Waivers for Public Housing and Vouchers

HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) posted Notice PIH 2021-34, announcing that public housing agencies (PHAs) may apply to receive expedited PIH review of certain regulatory waivers originally allowed in Notice PIH 2021-14 in response to the CARES Act (see Memo, 5/10). PIH has…

Join December 17 Day of Action to Urge Senators to Pass the #BuildBackBetter Act!

Join NLIHC, the Coalition on Human Needs, and other advocates across the nation for a Digital Day of Action on Friday, December 17 to urge your senators to pass the “Build Back Better Act” and its unprecedented investments in rental assistance, public housing, and the Housing Trust Fund! The Senate…

Advocacy Needed as Senate Considers “Build Back Better Act”

Following the passage of the “Build Back Better Act” in the House of Representatives on November 19, the Senate is preparing for a vote.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) must secure the support of every Democratic senator to advance the bill. The $1.75 trillion economic recovery…