Supportive services must be integrated with housing in order to help low income people achieve housing stability. Those who are transitioning out of homelessness are often the greatest beneficiaries of this integrated approach.

“Housing Plus Services” is an umbrella term coined by the National Low Income Housing Coalition to captures the phenomenon of combined housing and service initiatives. Housing Plus Services refers to permanent affordable housing that incorporates various levels of services with housing, with services provided, preferably, by trained staff for whom service delivery, not property management, is their primary responsibility.

Our work in the broad Housing Plus Services subject area includes our support for programs at the intersection of housing and services that support the ability of the lowest income people, included those with service or accessibility needs, to have affordable housing, live where their choose, increase their earned income, and participate in decisions about their housing.

NLIHC supports: 

  • The highest possible funding for special population housing and other programs, including McKinney-Vento, Section 811, Section 202, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, and healthy housing.
  • Permanent housing programs that prevent and end homelessness.
  • Policies that provide affordable housing options necessary to comply with the Olmstead decision.
  • The rights of residents and other low income community members to benefit from federal investment in local housing programs.
  • Enactment of Section 3 program reforms.
  • Updates to the funding formula for HOPWA.
  • Healthy housing legislation.

For more information about NLIHC’s Housing Plus Services work, please contact Elayne Weiss, Policy Analyst, at [email protected] or 202-662-1530 x 243. Members of the media should contact Renee Willis, Vice President for Field and Communications, at 202.662.1530 x247 or [email protected].

Housing Plus Services Resources

Legislation Introduced to Update HOPWA Funding Formula

On March 3, Representatives David Price (D-NC) and Robert Aderholt (R-AL) introduced a bill (H.R. 4704) to update the funding formula for HUD’s Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program to better target resources to people living with HIV/AIDS. The “Housing Opportunities for…

HUD Publishes Resources for LGBT Service Providers

HUD has published a variety of technical assistance resources on serving the LGBT people who are homeless  for service providers on its LGBT Homelessness webpage. Materials include a guidebook regarding policies and procedures, a self-assessment tool, and staff training scenarios. The…

March 1 Webinar on Reintegrating Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

A webinar on Tuesday, March 1 at 2:00pm ET will discuss solutions for helping formerly incarcerated people re-enter into their communities. The Homeless and Housing Resource Network (HHRN) of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is holding the webinar. SAMSHA is…