NLIHC believes in just communities, where all community members have access to economic and educational opportunities as well as affordable housing.

NLIHC supports:

  • Improvements to HUD's Consolidated Plan requirements, including the duty to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing.
  • Regional administration of the voucher program.
  • Evaluation and expansion of the Small Area FMR program.
  • Principles to guide reform of federally required planning processes to achieve inter-departmental coordination.
  • Deeper income targeting and more targeted eligible uses in the CDBG program.

For more information, contact Ed Gramlich, Regulatory Director, at [email protected] or 202.662.1530 x314. Members of the media should contact Renee Willis, Vice President for Field and Communications, at [email protected] or 202.662.1530 x247.

Planning for Just Communities Resources

House Resolution Recognizes Importance of Fair Housing Act

Representative Al Green (D-TX) and 14 other Democrats introduced a resolution to support the goals and ideals of the “Fair Housing Act” (FHA) and to recognize Fair Housing Month, celebrated in April to commemorate the law’s enactment. The resolution, H. Res. 714, was introduced on April 29. The…

Court Approves Settlement in Baltimore Fair Housing Case

The U.S. District Court of Maryland granted final approval of a settlement of the 17-year-old civil rights case known as Thompson v. HUD on November 20. The case was filed by African-American public housing residents against HUD, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) and the City of…