List of articles related to economic mobility, economic inequality, and poverty.

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Poverty & Economic Well-Being Resources

Bank Closures Since Great Recession Impact Access to Financial Services

A report by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), Bank Branch Closures from 2008-2016: Unequal Impact in America’s Heartland, finds that bank closures since the Great Recession have diminished access to financial services in both urban and rural areas. Lack of access to financial…

Update on ACA Repeal and Implications for Housing Services

The progress of efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remain unclear.Proposals to repeal the ACA Medicaid expansion and to convert Medicaid to a block grant or per-capita capped financing model have created controversy within the Republican Party and beyond. The Congressional…

Poverty Crosses Party Lines

A report by Elizabeth Kneebone at the Brookings Institution examines poverty trends in Republican and Democratic congressional districts. The report, titled Poverty Crosses Party Lines, demonstrates the existence of poverty in every congressional district in the U.S., regardless of whether the…