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Tax Programs & Policy Resources

Research Finds Resident Satisfaction with LIHTC Housing

A report by Carolina Reid from the Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley, The Links Between Affordable Housing and Economic Mobility: The Experiences of Residents Living in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties, sheds new light on the experiences of tenants living in Low Income…

Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform Would Have Little Impact in Rural Counties

Recent research from the Housing Assistance Council, Proposed Changes to the Mortgage Interest Deduction and What They Could Mean for Rural America, examines the size of mortgages and the impacts of mortgage interest deduction (MID) reform in rural counties. The report concludes that lowering the…

TAKE ACTION: Call Your Representatives TODAY to Oppose the GOP Tax Reform Bill

On Thursday or Friday of this week, the House of Representatives will vote on tax reform legislation that will increase the severity of the affordable housing crisis. It is critical that members of Congress hear from you about the impact in your community. BACKGROUND Comprehensive tax reform…