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House Committee Approves Seriously Flawed Tax Reform Bill

The House Ways and Means Committee approved the Republican tax reform bill, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (HR 1), by party-line vote of 24-16 on November 9, after four days of marathon debate. The House will likely vote on passing the bill later this week.  NLIHC has significant concerns with…

Minority Households Do Not Receive Fair Share of Mortgage Interest Deduction

A report released by NLIHC and the Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Brandeis University, Misdirected Investments: How the Mortgage Interest Deduction Drives Inequality and the Racial Wealth Gap, shows that the mortgage interested deduction (MID) disproportionately benefits white…

House and Senate Committee Vote on Budget Resolutions

The House of Representatives passed by a vote of 219-206 a budget resolution on October 5 that proposes massive cuts to crucial safety net programs to pay for increases in defense spending and tax cuts that would largely benefit wealthy Americans. The Senate Budget Committee passed their version of…

Trump’s Tax Plan Gives Greatest Benefit to Top Earners

A report by the Tax Policy Center (TPC) estimates that President Donald Trump’s tax proposals would decrease federal tax revenue by $3.5 trillion over the first decade after implementation and by another $5.7 trillion in the second decade. The highest-earning 1% of taxpayers would see their after-…