

Housing Cost Burden by Income Group

Affordable and Available Homes per 100 Renter Households

All Gap Data for California

California Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA (Metro) Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA (Metro) Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA (Metro) San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA (Metro) San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA (Metro) San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA (Metro)
Extremely Low Income Households and Available Rentals
Extremely Low Income Renter Households 1,282,835 481,573 90,719 73,440 102,829 193,475 68,031
Affordable and Available Rental Homes 310,752 101,567 18,664 16,747 20,522 61,248 22,279
Surplus (Deficit) of Affordable and Available Rental Units
At or below EXTREMELY LOW INCOME -972,083 -380,006 -72,055 -56,693 -82,307 -132,227 -45,752
At or below 50% AMI -1,385,393 -582,884 -113,722 -75,930 -126,617 -153,670 -57,912
Affordable and Available Rental Units per 100 Households at or below Threshold
At or below Extremely Low Income 24 21 21 23 20 32 33
At or below 50% AMI 35 27 34 38 27 48 48
At or below 80% AMI 68 55 66 79 64 85 87
At or below 100% AMI 85 75 82 96 84 96 100
% of Renter Households with Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 89 89 91 93 90 83 88
Extremely Low Income to 50% AMI 85 89 85 89 90 75 72
51% to 80% AMI 65 70 68 64 72 52 49
81 to 100% AMI 39 47 43 35 43 29 26
% of Renter Households with Severe Cost Burden
At Extremely Low Income 77 80 81 81 82 69 73
ELI to 50% AMI 50 59 52 49 59 34 29
51% to 80% AMI 19 23 23 14 20 9 9
81 to 100% AMI 6 8 8 3 7 2 2