State Rent Supplement Program

Hawaii Public Housing Authority

The Rent Supplement Program is a State-funded program. It helps eligible families pay part of their monthly rent. Each family must pay at least 30% of their adjusted family income for rent. The difference between that amount and the total monthly rent, up to a maximum of $250.00 per month, is paid directly to the owner or his agent. The rental unit is inspected to determine that it is a standard unit.

Assistance Distributed By
State administrator/State agency
Funding Source
General revenue
Funding Year
Program Status
State Funding
Amount Provided
$250 per month
How Provided?
Rental assistance paid to landlord, housing agency, or approved vendor only
Income Eligibility Threshold
Assistance Used For
Info Source
Interview with program administrator
Last Updated
4/2/24 11:49
Other Eligibility Requirements

Households with rental arrears

Required Documents

Required for income (general), lease, photo ID. Does not accept self-attestations.

Coordinates Eligibility With

Does not coordinate with other systems

Amount Calculation Method

Program covers rent above 30% of tenants' adjusted income, up to payment standard based on local Fair Market Rent

Eligibility Limitations

Eviction/rent payment history

Priority Populations
