SC Housing Trust Fund Supportive Housing Program

South Carolina State Housing Finance and Development Authority
South Carolina

New version of the program was implemented 7/1/2023. Older version has been around for 10 or more years.

Funding Source
Dedicated funding stream - Real estate transfer tax
Funding Year
FY 2022-2023
Program Status
State Funding
Total Funding
Jennifer E Cogan SC State Housing Finance & Dev. Authority [email protected] 803-896-9824
How Provided?
Development loans
Data Collected by Program
Income; Race; Ethnicity; Disability status; Age
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
3/27/23 16:51
Other Eligibility Requirements

No other eligibility requirements

Coordinates Eligibility With

Does not coordinate with other systems

Eligibility Limitations

Does not limit eligibility on these criteria

Priority Populations

Does not prioritize beyond eligibility requirements