Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline

Los Angeles Housing Department
Los Angeles, California

The Affordable Housing Managed Pipeline creates affordable rental housing for low and very low-income households by making long-term loans for new construction or for the rehabilitation of existing residential structures through an open competitive Call For Projects process.

Funding Source
Dedicated funding stream - Sales tax; Dedicated funding stream - Real estate transfer tax
Local Funding
Program Status
State Funding
Total Funding
Treasury State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) Funding
Timothy Elliott Los Angeles Housing Department [email protected] 213-840-5877
How Provided?
Development loans; Development tax credits; Development bonds
Data Collected by Program
Income; Race; Ethnicity
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
6/27/23 14:00
Other Eligibility Requirements

No other eligibility requirements

Coordinates Eligibility With

Coordinated Entry System or CoC

Eligibility Limitations

Does not limit eligibility on these criteria

Priority Populations

Does not prioritize beyond eligibility requirements