Special Needs Housing Trust Fund

New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency
New Jersey

The Special Needs Housing Trust Fund, “Trust Fund”, pursuant to the Special Needs Housing Trust Fund Act, P.L. 2005, c. 163, provides capital financing to create permanent supportive housing and community residences for individuals with special needs, with priority given to individuals with mental illness. The purpose of this special non-lapsing, revolving fund, which is being administered by the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (“NJHMFA”), is to develop special needs housing and residential opportunities as alternatives to institutionalization or homelessness for those who would benefit from these programs and to ensure the long-term viability of such housing. The monies in the Trust Fund will be used to enable persons with special needs to live with dignity and independence within communities of their choice by providing capital funding to increase the supply of affordable and quality housing with support services and other residential opportunities.

Funding Source
Dedicated funding stream - Other
Program Status
State Funding
Donna Spencer New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency 609-278-7622
How Provided?
Development loans
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
8/15/23 10:38
Other Eligibility Requirements

Persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness; Victims of domestic violence; Persons with mental illness; Persons with disabilities; Children or youth exiting foster care; Ex-offenders and youth offenders; Persons with AIDS/HIV; Persons in treatment for substance abuse

Priority Populations

Persons with mental illness; Household income at or below 20% AMI