Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund

Utah Housing and Community Development Division

The Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund (OWHLF) helps fund housing that is affordable to very low, low and moderate-income persons as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with program rent and income limits updated annually by HUD. It was created in the early 90's

Program Status
State Funding
Dan Murphy Housing & Community Development [email protected] 385-630-8368
How Provided?
Development loans
Data Collected by Program
Does not collect data on income, race, ethnicity, disability status, or age
Other Federal Funding
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
3/31/23 10:12
Other Eligibility Requirements

No other eligibility requirements

Coordinates Eligibility With

Does not coordinate with other systems

Eligibility Limitations

Does not limit eligibility on these criteria

Priority Populations

Extremely low-income households (income less than 30% AMI); Very low-income households (income less than 50% AMI); Persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness