The death toll following the wildfires that tore through portions of the Hawaiian island of Maui earlier this month has reached 114, while the mayor of Lahaina has suggested that more than 850 people…
A brushfire on the Hawaiian island of Maui grew into a devastating wildfire that tore through portions of the island in what appears to be the worst disaster in the state’s history. The fire…
The NLIHC-led Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC) sent a letter on August 8 to congressional leadership to request the quick passage of an emergency disaster supplemental appropriations bill…
The NLIHC-endorsed “Disaster Assistance Simplification Act” was passed unanimously by the U.S. Senate on July 28. The bill, which would create a uniform application for all federal disaster…
NLIHC submitted comments on behalf of its Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC) on July 25 regarding a recent request by FEMA for information regarding the Community Disaster Resilience Zone (…
Congressional and National Updates
Congress remains unlikely to replenish FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund anytime soon. While lawmakers on both sides of the aisle recognize the urgency of the issue –…
NLIHC submitted comments on behalf of its Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC) on July 25 regarding a recent request by FEMA for information regarding the Community Disaster Resilience Zone (…
HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity has published a “Grantee Guide” to help state, territory, tribal, and local government recipients of long-term recovery funds meet fair housing and…
An article published in Housing Policy Debate, “Disaster Preparedness and Housing Tenure: How Do Subsidized Renters Fare?,” examines the differences in disaster preparedness among homeowners,…
A slow-moving, two-day storm system dropped a significant amount of rain on portions of the Northeast early last week, causing the worst flooding in the region since Hurricane Irene in 2011. Though…
Representative Al Green (D-TX) attempted to insert an amendment passing the Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition-supported “Reforming Disaster Recovery Act” into the fiscal year (FY) 2024 “National…
A slow-moving, two-day storm system dropped a significant amount of rain on portions of the Northeast earlier this week, causing the worst flood event to strike the region since Hurricane Irene in…