Where to Find Us – December 23

Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) Annual Federal Forum – Boston, MA, February 12 (Sarah Saadian) 

NLIHC in the News for the Week of December 15

The following are some of the news stories to which NLIHC contributed during the week of December 15: “Half of renters pay more than 30% of their income on shelter amid worsening affordable…

NLIHC Seeks Development Coordinator

NLIHC seeks a development coordinator who will have prime responsibility for a portfolio of development/fundraising activities for the Coalition. The activities, along with those of another…

NLIHC Seeks Fund Development Director

NLIHC seeks a fund development director to work closely with the NLIHC vice president of external affairs to support NLIHC’s development and fundraising endeavors. The fund development director will…

NLIHC Seeks Research Analyst

NLIHC seeks a research analyst to further the coalition’s research on the housing needs of renters with extremely low incomes and policy responses to the shortage of affordable housing. The analyst…