The Our Homes, Our Votes Affiliates Network provides support for state-, local-, and neighborhood-level civic engagement activities. Any nonpartisan organization that is committed to boosting voter…
Housing advocates and tenant leaders are canvassing their communities, making tens of thousands of phone calls, and crisscrossing their states to host events that will get low-income renters…
Civic engagement is a practice that looks different for each person. Civic engagement is not just about casting a ballot for local, state, and federal elections. Not everyone in our country has the…
As a voter, you may run into tricky questions about voter registration, local voting options, and how to protect your voting rights. Below is a list of essential resources that will help you and your…
People experiencing homelessness feel the impact of our housing policies most acutely. They understand what it will take to end and prevent homelessness. Too often, however, people experiencing…
Elected officials work for the people they serve. For this reason, it is important for tenants to engage with candidates on the campaign trail and make their priorities known. Tenants should engage…
Many tenant leaders are excited to turn out voters in their community but not exactly sure where to begin! Fortunately, you don’t need to start from scratch. This roadmap will walk you through every…
Voting is a powerful way for tenants to make their voices heard for housing justice. To make voter registration and election information more accessible, NLIHC recently launched its nonpartisan…
The right to vote is not a right that we can take for granted. Landmark voting rights protections for marginalized communities – including the 15th Amendment granting Black men the right to vote,…
The history of voting rights in the U.S. has never been a story of linear development, but rather, a back-and-forth between progress and regression. In the early days of the U.S., only white,…
Dear Readers,
Since the release of NLIHC’s last election edition of Tenant Talk, “Housing Is Built with Ballots,” significant events in the U.S. – such as the unjust Supreme Court ruling in Grants…
NLIHC and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) released today a joint report assessing whether the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Risk Index (NRI)…