Help NLIHC Build Support for Long-Term Solutions to Get and Keep the Lowest-Income People Housed!

In the last year, NLIHC continued our national leadership on campaigns and in the areas of research, policy analysis, and advocacy to protect low-income renters and people experiencing homelessness during and after the pandemic.
Decision-makers increasingly rely on NLIHC for guidance, often incorporating our policy recommendations into their solutions. Key decision-makers in Congress and the administration state publicly and often that NLIHC is the leader they go to on all issues related to affordable housing. NLIHC’s President and CEO is regularly called on to testify before Congress and to meet directly with key committee chairs and other congressional and White House leadership figures.

Our HoUSed campaign continued the momentum and advocacy from our pandemic wins, mobilizing the housing field towards long-term solutions to get and keep the lowest-income people housed. The Opportunity Starts at Home campaign mobilized organizations in non-housing sectors – including the education, health care, civil rights, anti-hunger, local government, and faith-based sectors – to adopt the same long-term solutions. Our collective advocacy helped ensure $150 billion in deeply targeted housing investments were passed by the U.S. House of Representatives – an amount that would have resulted in the largest single federal investment in safe, stable, affordable homes for the lowest-income people in our country’s history.
Our robust advocacy has moved the stance of policymakers on affordable housing to be much more ambitious, more willing to call for and fund solutions on the scale necessary, and much more focused on the needs of the lowest-income people in preparation for the next opportunity we create to achieve transformative investments.
NLIHC also continued to lead the Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC), comprising nearly 900 organizations striving to ensure disaster housing recovery is carried out equitably for the lowest-income and most marginalized communities. The DHRC achieved key victories this year, including new resources for homeless disaster survivors and FEMA reforms for households without title documents.
With your support, NLIHC will continue to build support for long-term solutions to protect low-income renters and people experiencing homelessness in the year ahead.
This holiday season, please contribute to NLIHC at!
Or give the gift of connection and/or financial support to NLIHC’s state and local partners in your area doing critical on-the-ground work.
Thank you for your support and your advocacy!